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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  December 11, 2011 7:00am-8:00am PST

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good morning, america. this morning, fireworks at the abc news republican presidential debate. the front-runners clash. >> the only reason you didn't become a career politician is you lost to teddy kennedy in 1994. >> while those in the back of the pack attack. >> michele bachmann is the proven conservative. it's not newt romney. and did mitt romney make a remark he will regret? >> i'll tell you what, 10,000 bucks, $10,000 bet. >> george stephanopoulos and our political team have their score cards ready live from iowa. bloody basketball brawl. a bench-clearing fight breaks out during a big college game, this on the heels of an nfl player stomping on an opponent, so what's happening to good sportsmanship? green monday.
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tomorrow is shaping up to be another huge day for web shoppers and retailers with more than a billion dollars expect to be spent online, so how will the shipping companies cope on their busiest day of the year? ♪ a, b, c big-screen debut for michael jackson's little girl. the lead role paris will play in an upcoming motion picture. ♪ baby you and me girl and a, b, c, speaking of abc, was the network to watch last night. what a lively debate that was. >> it was a fascinating, fascinating evening. we're going to get to that in just a moment. also this morning, though, alec baldwin makes his first tv appearance publicly apologizing, kind of, for that temper tantrum on the plane and the ensuing twitter rampage. his surprise late-night appearance coming up here on "gma." plus, we're learning more this morning about the man who shot up one of the most iconic intersections in
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hollywood. it was an astonishing scene we told you about yesterday, so what was his motive? >> a lot coming up here this morning, but we want to get straight to the abc news debate in iowa where there were some fierce exchanges among the republicans who would be president and perhaps even a defining moment. "gma" co-anchor george stephanopoulos was right in the thick of it, moderating the debate alongside diane sawyer, and george joins us now. from the site of the showdown there in des moines, george, good morning to you. >> good morning, dan. you know, just 24 days -- now 23 days to go until those iowa caucuses, so we were ready for candidates to come in and really go at it, and they did. boy, there was no holding back last night at all. you saw newt gingrich take a lot of fire from just about everyone on the stage. he weathered it pretty well. you saw michele bachmann and rick santorum try to get back in this debate and they had strong performances, as well. that defining moment for mitt romney, the bet, is already going crazy on twitter. we'll see how it holds up over time. but all of these attacks, we knew, were signaled going in.
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that's why i want to bring in john berman. but they were a little bit reversed, weren't they, john? all of the signals coming into this debate that newt gingrich was going to be the statesman and it was going to be mitt romney on offense. >> reporter: george, i thought this was genuinely surprising. all week the big question was, how far would mitt romney go? would mitt romney attack newt gingrich? would mitt romney mix it up? but the stunning thing that happened was newt gingrich did it first. >> 2% unemployment. starts very simply. >> reporter: newt gingrich promised he would stay above the fray. but during this bruising debate, he didn't stay above the fray, he made the fray. on mitt romney's claim he's not a career politician. >> the only reason you didn't become a career politician is you lost to teddy kennedy in 1994. >> now, wait a second. now, wait a second. >> reporter: it was a blistering start. and if newt made a charge, mitt romney made a bet that might have been the debate's most remarkable moment in a heated exchange with rick perry over health care.
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>> but i read your first book, and it said in there that your mandate in massachusetts, which should be the model for the country, and i know it came out of the reprint of the book, but, you know, i'm just saying, you were for individual mandates, my friend. >> i'll tell you what, 10,000 bucks, $10,000 bet. >> i'm not in the betting business. >> reporter: perry did seem to misquote romney's book. but that $10,000 bet from a multimillionaire, twitter nearly exploded. thousands of tweets. it's three months' pay for the average american. and while gingrich and romney were joined together on stage, michele bachmann joined them in name. >> if you look at newt romney, they were for the illegal immigration problem, and if you look at newt romney, they were for the $700 billion bailout, and you just heard newt romney is also with obama on the issue of the payroll extension. >> reporter: on the issue of the middle east, newt gingrich
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defended his claim that the palestinians are an invented people. >> it's fundamentally time for somebody to have the the guts to say, enough lying about the middle east. >> reporter: romney's response. >> we're going to tell the truth, but we're not going to throw incendiary words into a place which is a boiling pot. >> reporter: there was a palpable moment of tension about the issue of marital infidelity. remember, gingrich has been married three times. >> if you will cheat on your spouse, then why wouldn't you cheat on your business partner? >> newt's response. >> i think people have to look at a person to whom they're going to loan the presidency, and they have the right to ask every single question. >> reporter: gingrich fended off that barb and most others that came his way flashing winks, shrugs and head shakes and a smile worth more than $10,000. now, overnight the romney team was spinning that $10,000 bet by saying it's the kind of thing you say around the dinner table. i bet you're wrong. i bet you a million bucks you're wrong.
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the problem is with everyone talking about it so much this morning, it is tough for them, and i heard from some key romney support eers overnight and they're concerned. >> sounds like we'll have to have a joke coming from mitt romney to diffuse that. okay, john berman, thanks very much. want to go to washington now with "this week's" host christiane amanpour. i want to talk to you about another clash between romney and gingrich on foreign policy. it was pretty heated last night, as well. it came up over these remarks that the speaker had made on friday where he called the palestinians an invented people. now all the candidates on the stage are trying to emphasize their pro-israel credentials. but romney chose to go after gingrich saying he's actually making life more difficult for the israelis with talk like this. he basically called him a bomb thrower. >> indeed, george. and looking forward to talking more with you during the program later on, but, yes, serge, this comment about the palestinians being an invented people, and
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then actually ratcheted it up during the debate and seeming to cast all palestinians as terrorists is kind of out of step. in fact, very out of step with the majority of israelis, with the last several israeli prime ministers, including the conservatives, the right wings, likud prime ministers, netanyahu, sharon, out of step with u.s. presidents from george bush to president obama and beyond. and really not very helpful if it comes down to him being president and having to moderate or mediate in this extraordinary situation. historically inaccurate, as well, because, at least, in modern times back to the 1800s, the palestinians have been recognized as people. so it is a very narrow group that he apparently appeared to be trying to target, trying to appeal to, but it's not one that has been at all the basis of any negotiations or conversations between israelis, palestinians, the u.s. over the last, you know, at least ten years. >> but he did not back down at all, christiane.
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he said he was going to speak the truth, that's the way he put it, right, even after i presented him with those negotiators, saab erakat, with those comments going to create more bin ladens throughout the middle east. >> he doubled up. he actually took the whole palestinian people, he was talking about rocket attack into israel, which is true they come in from gaza. he tried to expand that, saying that all palestinians were terrorists. with a broad brush. at least that's what it seemed like from his comments on the stage. look, this is a very dicey and divisive issue. senator carl levin said over the weekend in response to his initial comment that this was not offering solutions but was just adding gasoline and a match to an already very, very difficult situation, and as i say, out of step with the majority of israelis and the majority of american jews too. >> okay, christiane, we'll see you in a little bit. now let me go back to dan in new york.
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hey, dan. >> george, i got to do this to you. i'm so curious. very few people have as sharp a political mind as you do, so i really want to hear, do you think there was a clear winner last night, and did this debate change the game in a significant way? >> i think it was an important debate for this reason, you know, this was the first debate last night where newt gingrich is coming in as the unparalleled front-runner and the first debate where mitt romney actually had to do something to stop the momentum of newt gingrich. although i think setting aside that $10,000 bet, i think romney had a decent night. but newt didn't do anything at all that would stop i think speaker gingrich's momentum going into last night. the speaker took on all the attacks. he kept that smile on his face. there have been so many questions about his temperament. would he blow at some point? that didn't happen, as well, and i thought the speaker actually really helped himself when he answered that question about his personal life and his marriages and really made it a tale of redemption. i do think that it was a good night for the so-called second
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tier candidates especially probably michele bachmann who i think found her way back into this race by tying together romney and gingrich. and one of the things you certainly saw in the hall last night is that ron paul has a solid base of support in iowa and in these republican primaries and caucuses. and he probably got as many applause lines as anyone else, but if coming into this debate last night, newt gingrich was a front-runner and on the rise, he may still not be rising, but he's still clearly the front-runner after last night. he handled that very, very well. and you're going to have a whole bunch of people now scrambling to see if there's something else they can do in these final three weeks before the iowa caucuses to slow him down and put a stop to that momentum. >> and that seems to be the headline out of last night. a good night for newt gingrich. some, in fact, calling him the inevitable nominee. george stephanopoulos, an excellent job co-moderating that debate. such a pleasure to have you on this sunday morning. we'll see you back here tomorrow
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morning on "gma," and there will be much more from last night's debate from our abc news political team later on "this week" and christiane amanpour is going to go one-on-one with jon huntsman, he's the republican who is skipping iowa and is putting all his chips on new hampshire. a huge bet there. she'll be going one-on-one with him on "this week" in just a little bit. >> huntsman had a lot to say about that romney $10,000 bet. started trending on twitter right away. all right, let's check the other top stories developing right now with rob nelson who's in for ron claiborne. good to see you, rob. >> good morning, guys. good to be back here. good morning, everyone. we're just days before former penn state coach jerry sandusky faces his accusers in court. we've learned of a contradiction in one eye many witness account of his alleged abuse of boys. a pennsylvania newspaper says former graduate assistant mike mcqueary told a family friend a different version of events that he witnessed back in 2002, that he heard what he called sex sounds from a shower but that he didn't actually see anything sexual. that is at odds with mcqueary's
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previous statements about sandusky. to yet another sex scandal unfolding in the sports world this morning, this one involving one of the country's biggest youth sports organizations. an interview with espn two men accuse the ex-president of the aau of sexually assaulting them when they were children. now police are investigating. more from clayton sandell. >> reporter: for any parent with a kid playing youth sports, this scandal is hitting like a gut punch. in 1983 ralph west played on a basketball team run by the amateur athletic union. at the time he was 15 and says on a team trip to florida he was sexually assaulted by his coach, bobby dodd. >> i was dead asleep, and i don't remember anything but waking up, and he has his -- he's trying to put his hand in my boxer shorts. >> reporter: dodd went on to become the ceo and president of the aau. west kept quiet for decades but says the sex abuse case at penn state made him break his silence. he says the aau ignored him. so he went to espn's "outside the lines." the allegations have rocked the
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aau's all-american reputation. it's one of the oldest, most powerful youth sports organizations in the world. >> this should be the wake-up call to end all wake-up calls. if you can't trust your boy or girl to be playing sports in this country within the aau organization, what in the world can you trust? >> reporter: dodd has cancer and has now left the organization. he hasn't spoken. the aau, which does not require background checks for coaches, says it's reviewing its policies and trying to find out if there are more victims. >> we're urging anyone in the aau community who has information about any instances of inappropriate behavior or abuse to contact law enforcement and the aau. >> reporter: now, the organization that tries to use sports to teach kids to be good citizens finds it too may have a lot to learn. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news. >> and you can see the entire interview on "outside the lines" today at 10:00 a.m. eastern on espn2. also, new information this morning about the gunman killed by l.a. police after he opened fire at a hollywood
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intersection. 26-year-old tyler brehm of pennsylvania was reportedly distraught after breaking up with his girlfriend of four years. he was also unemployed and had just recently moved to hollywood. three people were injured in friday's rampage, one critically. and finally, a special reunion at the mall. the sager children of marysville, pennsylvania, asked santa to bring their dad home from iraq. so he did. he returned from his third tour of duty to hugs from 7-year-old matthew, 9-year-old isabel and 12-year-old abby. this time of year doesn't get any better than that. love to see that kind of image. >> fantastic. >> looks good. >> thank you, rob. >> sure. >> all right. it's time for weather now and meteorologist ginger zee. good morning to you, ginger. >> good morning, bianna, dan and rob, and good morning, everybody. brr in the northeast. it is a lot colder than we have been. actually the coldest day of the season. but this is about normal for this time of year. first subfreezing morning, though, from d.c. to new york and boston. here's the potential good news if you don't like the cold, we will be warming up, and it's going to get to 47 by tuesday in
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new york city. minneapolis, you'll even get into the upper 30s. so it's very short-lived. we do have another storm that's starting to hit the southwest, though. it will bring some heavy rains for southern california, wind, as well but also in the mountains, mountain snow could dump a foot or more. that's why we find some >> the total lunar eclipse was a >> the total lunar eclipse was a spectacle. and i did receive many photos, so thank you for those. i picked one there from ava,
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missouri, just before. you don't really see the whole thing. obviously it wouldn't be a great picture then but also a snowy scene from lincoln, nebraska. so thanks to both debbie and kirsten. >> i'm a little confused. usually you sit over there. >> i'm a little confused, too. >> we're sharing the wealth. >> it's not our good side, is it, dan? >> i like the way you think, ginger. we'll see you later. >> and i like that necklace, ginger. >> thank you so much. >> it's beautiful. >> all right, well, we've all heard of black friday and cybermonday, but did you know that tomorrow is green monday? that's the relatively new nickname for the second monday of december. retail experts predict online sales will hit more than $1 billion tomorrow pumped up not only by great online deals but free shipping too. and that will mean a lot of work for package delivery companies. and abc's t.j. winick is here with that story. they're expecting a big year this year. >> reporter: they certainly are. have you finished your holiday shopping? >> almost there. >> reporter: almost there. okay. well, for fedex, u.p.s. and the united states postal service, the holidays are their super bowl, their time to shine and with the rise of online
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shopping, it has put these services on the front lines of holiday gift giving, more this year than ever before. the greatest race isn't just for bargain shopping, getting all those present, hundreds of millions of them where they need to go for the holidays. >> only two weeks left until christmas. >> reporter: if you think santa and his elves have it tough, welcome to federal express where it's a nonstop 24/7 push to get those presents down the chimney or at least through the front door. >> santa only comes once a year. i'm here every day. >> reporter: does he ever check in on you guys? >> oh, yes, definitely. he makes sure that we deliver it on time. >> reporter: all kidding aside, the days ahead look like the busiest in the history of fedex. so do these numbers. the busiest day of 2005, december 12th, saw 9.8 million shipments. the busiest day of 2008, december 15th, 12 million shipments.
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three years later on this monday, december 12th, 17 million shipments are expected all over the globe. >> online shopping is by far the biggest reason we're seeing so many packages and also people like to ship their packages if they're traveling for the holidays. they don't want to carry them on the plane. >> reporter: in fact, the national retail federation expects nearly half of us, 46.7%, to shop online. that's compared to 43.9% just a year ago. fedex staff like mickey rogers do get some extra help this time of year in the form of 20,000 additional workers. the holidays, he told me, are by far the happiest time to make deliveries. see a lot of happy kids? >> oh, yeah. >> a lot of people are like, hi, everybody's happy to see you coming now. >> good morning, how are you? got a delivery for you today. >> thank you. >> reporter: but no matter which way you send your presents, dan and bianna, and i'm speaking to you, make sure that
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you get those presents out by december 23rd, because that's the last day that many of these services can guarantee they will get there on time for christmas. >> why are you looking directly at me? >> because i want my present on time this year. >> something for to you figure out. >> thank you, t.j. appreciate it. now to the latest twist in the wonderfully bizarre case of the movie star, the flight attendant and the temper tantrum. overnight alec baldwin made a public apology of sorts for that incident on the american airlines flight. >> but it wasn't what you'd call sincere. here's abc's rob nelson. >> so let me get this straight, you, captain rogers, want to apologize to alec baldwin. >> yes. mr. baldwin is an american treasure. >> reporter: alec baldwin made a surprise visit to "saturday night live" last night, his first public appearance since being removed from an american airlines flight last week at l.a.x. for refusing to stop playing words with friends on his phone. >> words with friends can be frustrating, and, again, i just started playing the game myself, but when you think you're about to play "jailers"
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off someone's "quiche," then you realize that you don't have the "i," let me tell you, that would make you slam the bathroom door, too. >> reporter: never missing a chance to poke fun at the airline. >> and it was the first time in the history of american airlines that one of our flights was delayed. come on, seth! >> reporter: he joins a long line of celebrities who have turned potentially public humiliation into laughs. on the funny or die website lindsay lohan created an eharmony ad following a couple of bwi arrests. >> a little bit about me. i'm an actress, a singer, an entrepreneur and i single-handedly kept 90% of all gossip websites in business. >> reporter: and who could forget paris hilton's 2005 appearance on "snl" just a week after her sex tape was released. >> so there actually really is a paris hilton. is it hard to get into the paris hilton? >> reporter: baldwin broke character once but he always stayed on point. >> alec, are you sure this is the right way to handle this? >> yeah, keep going. keep going. >> i think he may have helped himself there. coming up on "gma" on this
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sunday morning, the battle of the "gma" all-stars. it's becky versus tory. which one of our consumer gurus can get you the best bargains on the hottest holiday gifts? >> they were duking it out. and star turn. we're going to tell you about michael jackson's 13-year-old daughter who just landed a lead role in a big hollywood movie. ♪it's that time of year. ♪give gifts that spread good cheer.♪ ♪your friends and family ♪gather all around the tree. ♪no one does christmas ♪like you do christmas. ♪under the mistletoe ♪whether it's beach or snow, ♪you sparkle and you shine ♪because it's christmas time. ♪no one does christmas ♪like kmart does christmas. ♪kmart. smart. if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes.
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hey, the new guy-correxion. is loaded with protein! really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure high protein. ensure! nutrition in charge! [ man ] we've been in the business over the course of four centuries. [ woman ] it was a family business back then, and it still feels like a family business now. the only people who knew about us were those in new england, that moment that we got our first web order... ♪ ...we could tell we were on the verge of something magical. all of a sudden it just felt like things were changing. we can use this to advertise to bakers everywhere.
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[ man ] browns summit, north carolina. crescent city, california. we had a package go to kathmandu once. the web has been the reason this entire section of the warehouse exists today. we were becoming more than this little flour company in vermont. [ woman ] we're all going after one common goal, which is to spread the joy of baking throughout the whole world. ♪ ♪ ♪ and this time of year, i send out a lot of gifts. sweater for mom, free shipping from brian. i'm brian andrews. i ship the gifts that last. the holidays are made here at l.l.bean. and tea to choose from. it's the way to individually brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew, hon.
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the best approach to food goes there is to keep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the other guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal.
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♪ you wanna be starting something ♪ ♪ you got to be starting something ♪ there she is, paris jackson who is the 13-year-old daughter of michael jackson. we have watched her grow up. we've watched her go through so much, and we're about to watch her start a movie career. we'll talk about that in a few minutes here on "good morning america." good morning to everybody. i'm dan harris. >> and i'm bianna golodryga. she's truly turned into a beautiful young girl. only 13. wow. well, it's sunday, december 11th. also ahead this morning, battle of the "gma" all-stars holiday shopping edition. we're pitting two of our consumers gurus against each other to see who can get the best bargains on some of the season's hottest gifts. we'll tell you who won and how you can get great deals too. i don't know who to bet on, tory or becky. >> i know. tough competition. plus, also coming up, do your neighbors go nuts with the holiday lights at this time of year. ever wonder how to compete? we're going to show you what one family in oregon is doing about it. it's quite clever. we'll get to that in just a little bit. we're going to start with a
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truly stunning incident of violence in sports. stunning for two years, first, because of the amount of blood and bedlam in this game on the court. and second, because of how the players are justifying this. abc's john muller is here with details. john, good morning. >> thank you, dan. this was a wild finish for all of the wrong reasons. a battle of skills between xavier and cincinnati turns into a battle of fists. it gets so crazy that they can't even play out the final nine seconds of the game. it's the kind of bad behavior that's becoming all too common. another black eye for competitive sports literally, this time it's college basketball. the xavier/cincinnati rivalry. an all-out melee as the game winds down. benches clear. fists fly and blood gushes from the center's face. it's so out of hand, the game is called with seconds on the clock. boys being boys? the heat of battle, or is it something a lot worse? >> the brawl was so bad, we've got a player bleeding. that's bad. you wonder in some ways, is sportsmanship dead or dying? >> reporter: as bad as the
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flying fists were, consider what happens after the game. xavier lets a few of their players speak at a press conference presumably with cooler heads and humble hearts. surely the university regrets these statements. >> we got disrespected a little bit before the game. guys calling us out. we got a whole lot of gangsters in the locker room. not thugs but tough guys on the court and we went out there and zipped them up at the end of the game. >> reporter: saturday's game and the unfortunate press conference just the latest in a string of high-profile incidents that seem to show sportsmanship on the ropes. a detroit lions player earned a two-game suspension for stomping on a green bay packer as he was down on the ground. over the summer, the georgetown basketball team went toe to toe in beijing against the chinese team, not exactly the aim of the ten-day goodwill tour. and maybe most disturbing of all is the bad sportsmanship trickling down to our kids. this viral video shows a youth football referee in florida getting attacked by three coaches, only to be slammed to the turf by a kid player. >> oh, my god. >> the frequency and severity of
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the incidents are troubling. tough words from cincinnati head coach following yesterday's basket-brawl. >> if my players don't act the right way, they will never play another game at cincinnati. >> suspensions will surely follow. videotape will be analyzed from every angle to see who threw the punches, and the question will linger, is sportsmanship itself increasingly under assault? three players ejected in this latest incident. they will miss at least the next game. espn reporting conference officials have called a press conference later this morning to discuss the brawl and the possibility of more suspensions if they don't think the schools handled this tough enough. guys, back to you. >> fascinating, horrifying story. great to have you on. thank you very much, john. >> pleasure to be on. thank you very much. >> nice to see you. time for the other headlines this morning. let's check with rob nelson in for our own ron claiborne. good to see you. good morning, everybody. in the news today, a new target in the cross-fire at the gop debate in iowa, that debate seen of course right here on abc was marked by some pretty sharp
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exchanges between front-runner newt gingrich and the five candidates on stage. gingrich did admit he made mistakes in his personal life, but had asked god for forgiveness. iran says that it will not return a captured u.s. spy drone to the u.s. and warned of a quote, bigger response. they did not elaborate. after 22 years behind bars, panamanian strongman manuel noriega left france this morning. the 77-year-old will finish his sentence for drug trafficking and money laundering in his native panama. and finally, robert griffin iii is this year's heisman trophy winner. they call him rg3. the first baylor university student to win the award. the junior is a big fan of superheroes and even showed off his superman socks as he accepted the trophy. very cool. >> big move for baylor. go, texas. >> now to the super woman of weather, here's ginger zee. hey, ginger. >> thank you. i was just going to say, i saw your spider-man socks in the office there. i don't have any of those, but i
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do have a radar to show you that makes folks in texas very happy. the drought not really dented from yesterday's rain but you get a little bit more this morning west of dallas. heaviest rain in eastern florida and western georgia. let's fly across the nation, and give you an idea of what's happening. rain beginning in southern california before the winter storm watches happen for tomorrow, so monday is going to be a snowy day in the mountain southwest. waco showing 50 there in the rain pocket. tampa, as well, wet and windy through the southeast. cold. some of the coldest air of the season sticking around in the northeast. chicago, >> and it's not even that nice in hawaii. wanted to make a hawaiian note.
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flash flood watches for all islands. don't get to mention them that often. this weather has been brought to you by chase. now back to dan and bianna. >> we're not missing out on much sun out there. >> no. got rain for at least today. >> all right, ginger, thank you. coming up on "good morning america," battle of the "gma" all-stars. our consumer experts go head to head and tell you what you need to know to get the best holiday deals. plus, check this out. a weather anchor getting a surprise on the air. we'll tell you where this is going coming up in our "fixation" segment. ion" segment. oh boy... i used our slate card with blueprint. we can design our own plan to avoid interest by paying off diapers and things each month. and for the bigger stuff, we can pay downalance faster to save money on interest. bigger? bigger. chase slate with blueprint helps you save money on life's little surprises. trip...lets... start your path to saving today, call 855-get-slate.
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great fall. ugh, it's my sinus congestion, and it's all your fault. naturally blame the mucus. he's funny. instead of blaming me, try this, advil congestion relief. often the real problem is swelling, not mucus. advil congestion relief reduces swelling due to nasal inflammation. so i can breathe. happily ever after. another story? from him! [ mucus ] advil congestion relief. the right relief for the real problem.
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every now and then, we like to ask two of our favorite expert contributors to go head to head in a little friendly competition. this time we're pitting our consumer correspondent tory johnson against our technology guru becky worley to see who can get the best deals on some of the hottest gifts of the holiday season. it's the battle of the "gma" all-stars, holiday edition. >> i will not lose this challenge. >> watch out, worley! >> it's the ultimate clash of the consumer titans. becky and tory head to head to see who can bring home the biggest bargains on some of this holiday season's hottest buys. >> aha, found it. >> woo! that's good.
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>> reporter: and this year, we're turning up the heat. >> let me check target. >> reporter: consumer queen, tory, will have to find her steals and deals online while tech whiz worley will have to trade in shopping on her laptop for brick and mortar. first up, apparel, their goal, buy a polar fleece jacket that won't leave them out in the cold. >> does it ever go on sale? >> very rarely. >> reporter: becky had trouble find discounts on a brand name like north face. >> select brands are not eligible for coupon use, select brands like the north face. >> reporter: so she got creative. at outdoor supply store rei, she took advantage of a customer loyalty program. shoppers get 10% of what they spend back at the end of the year on what they spend. >> i might get 16 bucks back at the end of the year if i bought this at $165. >> reporter: sold. with her 10% rebate becky gets the fleece for just under $150. back home, tory gets creative, too looking for less common colors that might be cheaper. >> the most expensive is usually black. so if you're willing to search
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for and buy an alternative color, you'll probably find a better deal. i chose the insane blue in honor of becky. >> reporter: she also suggests calling the store to see if they have any additional online deals. >> i wanted to know if there's any extra coupons or special promo codes or anything that's going on right now. >> and the result? >> victory. we got it. north face, men's denali jacket, $99.99. free shipping and no tax since it's coming from a merchandiser that's out of state. beat that, becky. >> reporter: becky couldn't beat that bargain, so with her colorful find, tory locks up a victory in round one. next up, one of the hottest holiday toys. an angry birds plush. >> i'm going to be an angry bird if becky beats me. >> reporter: tory found two cheap options online but also found that it's important to read the fine print. >> so even though i see one here on amazon for $6.77, in order to get free shipping, i would have to spend $25. instead i found another one
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that's only $7.75 with free shipping. and i don't have to spend a penny more. i'm going for that one. >> reporter: on the west coast, becky was having trouble finding the angry bird at all. >> lots of cute plush toys, but not the angry birds we're looking for. >> until she hit the jackpot at toys "r" us. >> $6.99. best price i could find, and i got three. i couldn't help myself. >> with that, becky ties it up, one point apiece. to break the tie, a hot accessory for the hottest product of all, the ipad. who can find the cheapest wireless keyboard for ipad? >> i have no idea what a wireless keyboard for an ipad should cost. >> reporter: from the comfort of her dining room, tory worked the web to find the cheapest option. a mini keyboard with a mini price. >> there's no way becky is beating that unless she's stealing it. >> she was even willing to break her own rule. >> because the price of the product was so low, i was willing to spring for shipping. >> reporter: becky on the other hand was feeling the pressure. >> i am the gadget girl.
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i have to be able to beat tory in this category. >> reporter: but she thinks outside the box and finds a wireless keyboard for a discontinued hp tablet at a big discount. >> will this also work with the ipad? >> reporter: becky's gamble paid off. it works. was the price low enough to beat tory's online find? >> love it. >> reporter: who will win the battle of the "gma" all-stars? it's as heated as the political debates we saw last night. tory johnson and becky worley are joining us this morning. becky is joining us via skype from her home in oakland, california. okay, let's get -- she had some fighting words there. >> she did. she did. >> she talked some trash, tory. >> but it's all out of love. and let's get to the final tally results, okay. for the wireless keyboard, becky you found yours for $29.99. that's a good deal. tory, $5.60 plus $6.99 shipping means $12.59. it looks like you're the winner here, tory. >> victory! >> but you know what, becky, i know, she's devastated.
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but, becky, since i saved so much money, the shopping spree is on me when you're in new york the next time, right? >> i'll take that as some comfort, tory. but really! 5.99? >> she got to go into stores. and, frankly, it was boring for me sitting at home on the computer. >> you had some tips for us quickly. >> first thing that i would say, don't be tempted. when you're getting all these e-mails that say 30% off, take two minutes and just price shop on the internet, because you know what, someone else could sell it for 40% off, 50% off. so do your shopping. >> and becky, quick tip? >> i'm going to tell you, it's never been a better time to be a consumer between your smartphone, the internet, and going into local stores, you really have an amazing array of resources. >> all right, you two, thank you. great tips. a lot of fun. we appreciate your time this morning. coming up on "good morning america," michael jackson's daughter is only 13 and already launching a career. we'll tell you what she's got in the works coming up.
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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[ female announcer ] introducing kleenex cool touch tissues. the only tissue that actively releases a cool sensation to soothe a sore nose on contact. kleenex cool touch tissues. a cool new way to soothe. so you don't have to deal with this. [ indistinct shouting ] simplify your shopping at walgreens. find great gifts and earn up to $20 in jingle cash good on your next purchase of $30 or more. shopping. simplified. that's walgreens.
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but for some of us with overactive bladder, our pipes just don't work as well as they should. sometimes, i worry my pipes might leak. but i learned there's something more i can do. now, i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder, do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain, or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision, so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion.
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so why wait ? ask your doctor today... ... about taking care with vesicare. and now to michael jackson's daughter who's getting ready to star in a movie. >> that's right. 13-year-old paris jackson has landed her first role in a feature film, the lead in a movie based on a young adult fantasy novel. with the last name jackson, it was only a matter of time before michael's daughter paris burst out into the hollywood scene. the 13-year-old just inked her first movie role in the live action animated film, "lundon's bridge and the three keys" based on the young adult book series by dennis h. christen. paris is set to play a human heroine in the fantasy adventure where according to the movie's website, sea magic turns a dolphin into a human. a teenage boy into a dragonfly and a loving jellyfish queen into an evil fairy godmother. >> with paris in the lead, it
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sure is to draw some box office sells but a lot of people are unfamiliar with the series. if people start reading them before the movie comes out, it could gain some popularity. >> paris told "good morning america's" robin roberts that making movies is something she always wanted to do? >> paris, you want to be an actress? >> yeah, i'm thinking of auditioning for a play next week. >> she's excited about it. >> paris will be joined by other animated characters voiced by larry king, his wife shawn, joey fatone and "the loveboat's" ted lange. she's come a long way since her father passed away just a little over two years ago. but now, she's looking forward to a hollywood dream coming true tweeting "i want to leave my footprints on the sands of time. when i leave this world, i'll leave no regrets. i'll leave something for them not to forget." we wish paris the best. seems like a very mature girl. knows what she's doing and knows what she wants. best of luck to you, paris.
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>> coming up here on "gma," love in the forecast for one weather anchor. we're going to tell you about it in our "fixation" segment coming up after the break. up after the break. this radiating ache everywhere. the pain was so frustrating. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can feel better and do more of what i love. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you.
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i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪
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[ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. on the network they deserve. like the powerful droid charge by samsung, or get the samsung stratosphere,
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and for a limited time, get twice the data for the same low price. verizon. ♪ you are an obsession you're my obsession ♪ here we go. it's time for our "fixation" where we show you stories, images and videos that
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caught our attention this week. we had to share with you, rob. >> i really like this story. one house goes all-out for the holidays. and no one can compete with it. this story comes out of beaverton, oregon. you know what, the neighbors said i'm not going to compete. a sign that says ditto. you know what, you're too lazy to compete, give them a shout-out with lights on your house. >> is that a loving appreciating ditto or a can can you believe i live next to them ditto? >> the homage to the neighbors. there you go. >> do they all split the bills too? >> i doubt that. >> all right. ginger, you have the proposal that we have been dying to see. >> yes, and, you know, i have had all types of distractions doing weather but nothing like this. look at this. >> with mostly sunny skies and -- hi. hi. >> oh. there it goes. >> she's an abc affiliate in augusta, georgia. >> will you marry me? >> oh, my gosh. yes. >> here's the thing, they met earlier this year at a church in
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augusta. they had this very brilliant romance, and they're getting married now in august 2012. they're getting married in st. joseph, michigan, which is very close to my hometown. >> are they going to do it live on the air? >> possibly. reality show in the works. >> one of the things that a lot of people look for when they're getting a pet, especially a dog, is they want somebody who can protect them, a guard dog. somebody who is aggressive. take a look at this dog. do you think he's got the right stuff? that is spencer. he's chasing an ice cube in his bowl. ferocious. he lives in brooklyn, he's 9 months old. i could look at this all morning. on a day where we've got lots of negative news to show you, it's nice to end a day with a little bit of this. >> that's silly. when i had a little puppy, we had a lab, we also gave him -- he loved ice cubes. he chewed on them. very sweet video.
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if there's a story, video or picture you can't get enough of, we want you to tweet us at "gma." >> thank you for watching abc news. we're always online at yahoo! rob, thank you for joining us this weekend. a pleasure to have you. ron claiborne is back next week. >> we'll have much more later this morning with christiane amanpour and "this week" and david muir is back with "world news" later tonight. news" later tonight.
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